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sm Pint

См. также в других словарях:

  • Pint — 〈[ paınt] n.; s, od. s; Abk.: pt〉 engl. u. nordamerikan. Flüssigkeitsmaß, 0,5 l ● ein Pint Cider bestellen [→ Pinte] * * * 1Pint [pa̮int ], das; s, s [engl. pint < (a)frz. pinte < mlat. pin(c)ta, zu lat. pictum, 2. Part. von: pingere =… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • pint — S2 [paınt] n [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: pinte, from Medieval Latin pincta, from Latin, past participle of pingere to paint ; probably because a mark was painted on a bottle to show how much it contained] 1.) written abbreviation pt a …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Pint — Glas (Großbritannien) mit Bier. Die Pinte (bzw. das Pint, cf. französisch la pinte) ist ein altes Raummaß sowohl für Flüssigkeiten als auch – besonders im angelsächsischen Raum – für Trockenmaße. Sie entspricht in den alten Maßsystemen zumeist –… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • pint — [pīnt] n. [ME pynte < MFr pinte < ML pinta, prob. < VL * pincta, for L picta, fem. pp. of pingere, to PAINT: orig. prob. a spot marking the level in a measure] 1. a) a unit of liquid measure, equal to 1/ 2 of a liquid quart or 16 fluid… …   English World dictionary

  • Pint On Punt — (Мельбурн,Австралия) Категория отеля: Адрес: 42 Punt Road, 3181 Мельбурн, Австралия …   Каталог отелей

  • Pint — Pint, n. [OE. pinte, F. pinte, fr. Sp. pinta spot, mark, pint, fr. pintar to paint; a mark for a pint prob. having been made on or in a larger measure. See {Paint}.] A measure of capacity, equal to half a quart, or four gills, used in liquid and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pint — [ paınt ] noun count * 1. ) a unit for measuring liquid. In the U.K. a pint is equal to 0.57 liters and in the U.S. it is equal to 0.48 liters: two pints of milk 2. ) BRITISH INFORMAL a pint of beer pull pints to work in a bar serving drinks …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • pint-size or pint-sized — pint ,size or pint sized [ paınt ,saızd ] adjective INFORMAL very small …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • pint — (n.) late 14c., from O.Fr. pinte (13c.), from V.L. *pincta (Cf. O.Prov., Sp., It. pinta), perhaps ultimately from L. picta painted, fem. pp. of pingere (see PAINT (Cf. paint)), on notion of a painted mark on a vessel indicating this measure. Used …   Etymology dictionary

  • pint-size — ☆ pint size [pīnt′sīz΄] adj. small; tiny: also pint sized …   English World dictionary

  • pint-pot — pintˈ pot noun 1. A pot for holding a pint, esp a pewter pot for beer 2. A seller or drinker of beer • • • Main Entry: ↑pint …   Useful english dictionary

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